Pope Benedict XVI resigns!

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Pope Benedict the XVI plans to resign from the Chair of Peter February 28th, 2013.  This is a surprise to me and to many.  In Pope Benedicts letter, he reveals that his strength of body and mind has deteriorated.

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25th Anniversary of Morgentaler Decision (Today)

I regret My Abortion

Today – January 28th, 2013 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Morgentaler Decision. This day in 1988 the supreme court removed the remaining protections against babies in the womb, making abortion completely legal for any reason in Canada.

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Don’t Give Up On God

If you are anything like me, you’ve committed the same sins over and over. You’ve gone to Confession many times, and later committed the same sins again. You’ve probably even said to yourself, “What’s the use? I’m a lost cause! I’ll never change!” – and you may have been tempted to give up on God.

This attitude shows a lack of faith. Jesus taught that we should forgive those who sin against us “seventy times seven,” in other words, an infinite of times. If He is asking us to do so for others, would He not be willing to do so for us?

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