Posts by Saint Gabriels Newsroom
Adeste Fideles (O Come, All Ye Faithful)
O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant! O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him Born the King of Angels:
Read MoreA Solis Ortus Cardine (turning-point of the rising of the sun)
From lands that see the sun arise, to earth’s remotest boundaries, the Virgin-born today we sing, the Son of Mary, Christ the King.
Read MoreChristmas Message 2012 from Father Blazek
Are Guns to Blame for the Connecticut Massacre?
The horrific school massacre in Connecticut is being exploited to promote the anti-gun agenda.
Read MoreFr. Blazek (Readings & Homily December 19th, 2012)
“Joy to the World, the Teachers Dead”
Here we are again. It is almost Christmas. Have you been bad or good? Does it really matter?I recall seeing a particular episode of the Simpsons, not so long ago, in which the devil-may-care attitude of Nelson sang a mock Christmas tune with joyous dreams of barbequing the head of a teacher and flushing the…
Read MoreHow to Use a Catechism
Edmund Mitchel has donated an excellent resource to Saint Gabriels Newsroom. You can visit his blog over at
Every Catholic needs a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And every good Catholic should be very familiar with their catechism. Be a real Catholic, refute heretics, know what the Church truly teaches, prove you speak orthodoxy, learn about your faith, defend your faith, hold religious educators accountable, be a Catholic in the fullest sense. But once you have a Catechism, how do you use it?
Read MoreI Hate Divorce
There seems to be “social peace” on the issue of divorce. It was not always so.
Read MorePope Reaches Out To Catholic Youth By Joining Twitter, Giving Up On Catholicism
Even though the Onion isn’t my first or even second choice for finding interesting content related to Catholicism; this particular video says volumes about our faith (or lack thereof). This video not only applies to teens, but the Catholic population in general. Luke-warm Catholicism is widespread, even amongst those who attend weekly Mass! Remember Pauls…
Read MoreFr. Blazek (December 2012)
Due to circumstances out of my control, Fr. Blazek’s homilies will be delayed for a week or two due to technical issues. In the mean time I enourage you to attend Mass at the Our Lady of Assumption Church if you are in Thunder Bay.
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