Posts by Saint Gabriels Newsroom
The Call of Beauty – Reforming the Mass
Today’s Chalice shows us some beauty from the Old Mass with commentary from Cardinal Raymond Burke. Bravo Cardinal Burke for you wisdom! Caelitus mihi vires!
Read MorePope Benedict XVI – The problem is that Judas did not go away
Today’s article comes straight from The Vatican Today. In his address before the Angelus, he makes the comparison between Judas who didn’t believe, but stayed for his own selfish reasons. And those who were honest and left because they didn’t believe Christ’s teaching. This is significant because we see many Catholics today who don’t believe…
Read MoreDebate on Gay Marriage (Brian Brown and Dan Savage)
Today we have a debate between Brian Brown and Dan Savage on Gay Marriage.
Read MoreThis Priest deserves coal and a swift kick in the buttocks!
Today’s gem er… I mean lump of coal goes to Father Geraldo de Magela Silva.
Read MoreThe Politics of Homeschooling – Part II
Concluding thoughts on Bill C-13
In our previous article in this series, we presented the preamble to the Ontario government’s Bill C-13 and have read in it what appears to be an acknowledgment of Ontario’s “diverse” society.
Read MoreCatholic Humor (August 27th, 2012)
As Mondays can sometimes be dreary I have decided that todays gem will be of the humorous sort. Enjoy!
Read MoreMan Possessed in Windsor?
Today we have a story from the Windsor Star by Trevor Wilhelm. We have a story of what seems to be supernatural possession but this is un-confirmed. Deacon Gerard Charette of St. Alphonsus Church had given a man communion, and shortly after started to chant, yell, and weep. The man then proceeded to physically attack…
Read MoreIs Romney’s Prolife Agenda for Real?
In spite of years of liberal social engineering, the abortion issue just won’t go away.
Read MoreFr. Blazek (Feast of Saint Bartholomew – Readings and Homily August 24th, 2012)
Fr. Blazek (Readings and Homily August 24th, 2012) A reading from The Book of Revelation and the Gospel according to John. Fr. speaks about the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, other Apostles, the positive effect of wearing religious garb, and bringing those unfamiliar with Catholicism into the Church. Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Thunder Bay, ON,…
Read MoreNigerian woman responds to Melinda Gates
In the video previously posted I am Catholic but not really we show an interview with Melinda Gates (A Catholic and spouse of Bill Gates), who is on a mission for contraception rights in Africa. Her mantra is that population control will better the standard of living for impoverished Africans. Todays article is a reply to…
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