The Church’s Doomed Pursuit of the Elusive Young Adult

Chris Tomlin

Today’s rarity comes as a bit of a change to the normal type of articles normally posted, but still of concern to the Church. Bruce Reye-Chow presents an article titled “The Church’s Doomed Pursuit of the Elusive Young Adult”. He brings up some good points that I would like to expand on. Today’s ministry to…

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Bishops in Philippines stand up for Faith

Today’s treasure is from the Philippines; an article from LifeSiteNews Thaddeus Baklinski. There has been a growing scandal within the Catholic School Systems, particularly in Canada but spreading to other countries regarding Church teachings in that they don’t adhere sound Catholic Doctrine.  The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines said they will first investigate and…

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So called tolerance: Gay rights, Priest & Chick-fil-A

Today’s pearl comes from a brave Priest who was praying the Rosary outside of Chick-fil-A, (Watertower) in Chicago Illinois on August 8th, 2012. He prays amidst the crowd of Gay rights Protestors. Unfortunately the freedom of speech the Gay rights activists possess doesn’t translate to Fr. Gerald’s rights, as he is heckled, shouted at, and…

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The Media & The Gay Revolution


There has been, and continues to be, a dramatic change in the public’s attitudes towards homosexuality. I’m old enough to remember when “homosexuality didn’t exist.”

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William Lane Craig (Moral Code vs Opinion)

Even though today’s gem is from a non Catholic, he does a very good job at explaining God in a Catholic way.  He is a well known Christian Apologist who will debate anyone regarding morality,  the existance of God, among other things.  In this Video Dr. William Lane Craig explains to an audience member the…

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Canadian Medical Association: babies not human until after birth

Todays treasure in the trove comes from Peter Baklinski of a well established pro-life organization.  This particular article reports on the Canadian Medical Associations declaration and agreement with the amendment to the criminal code regarding when a human life is a human. It states that a baby only becomes a human being only after…

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Canadian Medical Association: babies not human until after birth

Todays treasure in the trove comes from Peter Baklinski of a well established pro-life organization.  This particular article reports on the Canadian Medical Associations declaration and agreement with the amendment to the criminal code regarding when a human life is a human. It states that a baby only becomes a human being only after…

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7 Point Checklist for Catholic Dads

Todays treasure comes from Randy Hain over at the Integrated Catholic Life website.  He presents seven basic points on how to be a good Catholic Father and some requirements for living a Holy life while being married. Please see his article at

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Assumption of the Virgin Mary (August 15th, 2012)

Today is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please take some time today to attend Mass at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 479 Oliver Road at 6:30pm with Fr. Blazek. Rosary starts at 6:10pm.  The song below is Signum Magnum (A Great Sign), a chant…

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