Fr. Blazek (Readings and Homily July 23rd, 2012)

Readings from the Book of the Miccah and the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. Father speaks about how much the Lord has done, sins of omission, the examination of conscience, the way of holiness, a movie about monastic life, religious superstition, and connections between the old and new testament scriptures.

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Melinda Gates – I’m Catholic But Not Really

Below is an interview with Melinda Gates, the wife of the previous CEO of Microsoft (Bill Gates). In the interview she is pushing for contraception rights for women in impoverished nations because she believes that population control will raise the standard of living in these nations as well as give women the ability to feed themselves. Unfortunately she operates under assumptions that are just flat our incorrect. To see the rest of the article and watch the entire interview please click the readmore below.

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Fr. Blazek (Readings and Homily July 18th, 2012)

July 18th 2012 – Father Blazek speaks about why bad things happen to good people, discipline & spanking, the punishment/consequences of sin, the impact of divorce, the innocence of children, and the story about an atheist and a famous old man from France.

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Unconscious Ignorance


In my efforts to promote the true Catholic agenda, I have learned that ignorance is the one of our greatest enemies. There are two types: conscious ignorance and unconscious ignorance.

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