Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ 2012

Source the old Catholic Enyclopedia

This feast is celebrated in the Latin Church on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday to solemnly commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

Of Maundy Thursday, which commemorates this great event, mention is made as Natalis Calicis (Birth of the Chalice) in the Calendar of Polemius (448) for the 24th of March, the 25th of March being in some places considered as the day of the death of Christ. This day, however, was in

Holy Week, a season of sadness, during which the minds of the faithful are expected to be occupied with thoughts of the Lord’s Passion. Moreover, so many other functions took place on this day that the principal event was almost lost sight of. This is mentioned as the chief reason for the introduction of the new feast, in the Bull “Transiturus.”

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Shooting to Score

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take,” said hockey great Wayne Gretzky. This is failure by default. Of course, if you do take the shot, you still may not score. If you were a terrible hockey player, you might only score once out of 99 attempts, but you’d still be ahead of the guy who never scores because he never tries!

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Anti-bullying bill Passes in Ontario

June 5th, 2012, Ontario passed Bill 13 the Accepting Schools Act 65 yay to 36 nay.  This is another unforunate blow to moral values in Ontario, and Canada.  This Bill seeks to erode religious liberty even further. Even though the ACT is filled with feminist, and anti-Catholic rhetoric the most damaging part to Catholics is the section below.

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Pope Benedict XVI – World Meeting of Families

Pope Benedict XVI has told the 7th World Meeting of Families in Milan that the family based upon marriage can revolutionize modern society for the better.  See the summary below.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Aj6dtox5J8

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