New Abortion Caravan

Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform Launches New Abortion Caravan.

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Pope calls for Harmony following his butlers arrest


Giacomo Galeazzi
Vatican Insider


The Commander of the Vatican Gendarmerie was hard at work Sunday. The Vatican leak inquiry did not end with the arrest of the Pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele so the papal police offices are busy sifting through the “investigative material” that will help find the potential accomplices and individuals behind the leaks. There are no immediate plans for arrests but not one of the Curia’s members believed the Pope’s butler is the only one responsible. “The affair is not over yet. This is just the beginning,” they said. Behind the Vatican walls there is a growing belief that “Paoletto’s” arrest was not the finishing line but a starting point.

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The Power of Persistence


We’ve all heard about the sin of sloth. Why is sloth a sin? It’s a sin, I think, because in order to be saved, we do have to work. That doesn’t mean that we can earn salvation or that we can save ourselves. However, if God does 99 percent of what is necessary for our salvation, He still demands that we do the remaining one percent. And that one percent is not easy. It may at times seem impossible, and that is why we have to be persistent.

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Feast of Pentecost Chant

Veni, Sancte Spiritus,    et emitte caelitus    lucis tuae radium.     Veni, pater pauperum,    veni, dator munerum,    veni, lumen cordium.     Consolator optime,    dulcis hospes animae,    dulce refrigerium.     In labore requies,    in aestu temperies,    in fletu solatium.     O lux beatissima,    reple cordis intima    tuorum fidelium.     Sine tuo numine,    nihil est in homine,    nihil…

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