Posts by Saint Gabriels Newsroom
Prayers for Unborn
Clip(s) of the Prayers of the Unborn Service at the Mausoleum in Thunder Bay, Ontario. May 14th, 2012.
Read MoreSame-sex ‘marriage’ advocates threaten Bristol Palin
WASILLA, ALASKA, May 18, 2012, ( – If homosexual activists have their way, Bristol Palin will not be dancing with the stars; she’ll be swimming with the fishes.
The daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin received vicious, hateful, and incendiary criticism – including death threats – after posting a blog registering her opposition to same-sex “marriage.”
Read MoreMarch for Life 2012 (Promo Video)
Read MoreFr. Blazek (Readings & Homily May 16th, 2012)
Read MoreGod Can Renew The Joy Of Youth
Sometimes, I’m deeply envious of my three-year-old son. As a middle-aged man, there aren’t too many things in life that really excite me anymore. I’m not saying that I get no pleasure out of life, but that little things – like playing in dirt or running through a sprinkler – just don’t turn me on that much.
The other day, I set up a fun lawn sprinkler designed for children. It looked like some sort of caterpillar with many legs. I turned it on and it sprayed water in all directions, wiggling and gyrating wildly. My son screamed with delight and his face beamed with joy. I videotaped him having fun. He would run up to the sprinkler and jump up and down, while water splashed off his face and drenched his clothes. Then he would run up to my camera, screaming with delight. Over and over, he did this, until it was time to turn off the water and go inside.
Read MoreMarch for Life 2012
This year I decided to attend the March for Life in Ottawa May 10th, 2012. The March for Life is organized by Campaign Life Coalition, and the intent is to make Abortion Unthinkable. When I got to Parliament Hill I sensed incredible enthusiasm, from the youth, and renewed dedication from the adults. More and more children, youth, adults, and seniors are participating, and this brings hope to the Church, that we haven’t lost the war yet.
Read MoreCan We Really Repent And Amend Our Lives?
I watched a movie recently. It wasn’t very good, so I don’t remember its title. But I do remember its main message: “You are who you are. You can’t be any different, so there’s no use in trying to change. Therefore, other people should understand that and accept you as you are.”
I thought, “Well if that’s true, Jesus’ teaching doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. If we are who we are, then we cannot change, so we cannot repent. If it is impossible for us to change or to be anything other than who we are, then we can’t be blamed for doing bad or praised for doing good. God would therefore be in no position to judge us.”
Read MoreUS Catholic Nuns upset at Vatican
Very recently I was involved in a ongoing discussion regarding the recent decision by the Vatican to clean up serious issues regarding disenting Catholic Nuns in the United States (full story here). The majority of the discussion revolved around the fact that some, and possibly many of these Nun’s felt hurt by the Vatican’s decision to reform them on the correct teachings of Abortion, End of Life Issues, and other issues stemming for legimate authority and morality. There was one woman in paticular who was confused and seemingly upset (not overly) that many in this dicussion was praising the Vatican’s decision. She felt that each is entitled to their own opinion, and that she struggled with some of the Church’s teachings herself. She believed that one could openly dissent on Church teachings and still be in communion with Christ. There were many good responses to this which I won’t rehash, but I have included my own contribution to this discussion.
Read MoreMedia Circus Distorts the Realty of U.S. Politics
The media circus which goes hand in hand with U.S. presidential elections has been underway for some time now. It’s simply amazing how much time and money is spent on this spectacle and it seems that it begins earlier and earlier with each new election campaign.
The actual election will not be held until November, but coverage began about a year before that. Each comment made by candidates is carefully scrutinized by political “experts,” and public opinion polls are held, it seems on a daily basis, to determine which candidate is doing best.
The media charade finally subsides after the election, when the nation soon discovers that, after all the hype and hoopla, very little actually changes.
Read MoreDenver Priest says Tridentine Mass outside of Planned Parenthood
Photo by James Baca/Denver Catholic Register
DENVER, CO, April 23, 2012 ( – Prayerbooks, rosaries, and pro-life pamphlets are a common sight outside Planned Parenthood’s massive facility in downtown Denver, but this year, local organizers of this spring’s Forty Days for Life campaign decided that one last piece was missing to bring the light of Christ to the country’s second largest abortion facility: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
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