Posts by Saint Gabriels Newsroom
Ethicists Argue for Acceptance of After Birth Abortions
by Liz Klimas Liz Klimas
Two ethicists working with Australian universities argue in the latest online edition of the Journal of Medical Ethics that if abortion of a fetus is allowable, so to should be the termination of a newborn.
Alberto Giubilini with Monash University in Melbourne and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne write that in “circumstances occur[ing] after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible.”
Read MoreCanon of Scriptures (Brief)
Here is a brief history on the compilation of the Canon of Christian Scriptures: Council of Laodicea (c. 360) A local council of the church in union with Rome produced a list of books of the Bible similar to the Council of Trent’s canon. This was one of the Church’s earliest decisions on a…
Read MorePancakes for Lent
Several years ago, just before Lent, I received a phone call from a friend. “My mom’s disappointed that I’m not practicing my faith,” he said. “So I ate some pancakes.” Knowing him well, I knew that was all he was going to do for Lent. He wasn’t going to fast, give alms or pray, much less go to confession or frequent communion. Did he really think that by indulging in some pancakes that he was returning to the practice of “his faith” and that somehow God would be pleased? It’s hard to believe that an otherwise educated, responsible, sane adult who attended a Catholic school and went to church most Sundays as a child could be so casual and ignorant about the faith. Unfortunately, I fear that the great majority of “Catholics,” at least in the affluent nations, are a lot like him.
Read MoreDawkins Admits He Doesn’t Know
‘I can’t be sure God DOES NOT exist’:
World’s most notorious atheist Richard Dawkins admits he is in fact agnostic
By Suzannah Hills
Last updated at 2:45 PM on 24th February 2012
Professor Richard Dawkins today dismissed his hard-earned reputation as a militant atheist – admitting that he is actually agnostic as he can’t prove God doesn’t exist.
Religious Liberty: Obamacare
Read MoreDrive through ashes?
A news source reports Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church in Ohio has started offering Drive through Ashes. This is why the Catholic Church is the One, Holy, and Apostolic. The slippery slope never ends with these apostate churches.
Read MoreCatholic Nuns File Brief Supporting Affordable Care Act
By Ian Millhiser on Feb 23, 2012 at 11:30 am
As further proof that conservative efforts to paint President Obama as the enemy of religion are a red herring, nearly two dozen leading Catholic nuns filed a brief in the Supreme Court last week supporting the president’s signature legislative accomplishment. The Catholic sisters who joined the brief include the leaders of many prominent religious orders providing health care and other services to the needy. As they explain in their brief:
Read MoreRadical lesbian nuns
Read MoreThe Angelus
Angelus The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour…
Read MoreHomeschooling Familes Can’t Teach Homosexuality a Sin
Thu Feb 23, 2012 15:29 EST
“Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences,” Donna McColl, Lukaszuk’s assistant director of communications, told LifeSiteNews on Wednesday evening.
“You can affirm the family’s ideology in your family life, you just can’t do it as part of your educational study and instruction,” she added.
Reacting to the remarks, Paul Faris of the Home School Legal Defence Association said the Ministry of Education is “clearly signaling that they are in fact planning to violate the private conversations families have in their own homes.”