March or Die!

French Foreign Legion - Flickr Image by: Snapshooter46

March or Die! is the title of a 1970s movie about the French Foreign Legion. The Foreign Legion is a very tough organization. I can imagine their officers yelling at their troops, who were often battle scarred, hungry, and exhausted, “March or die!”

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What’s Wrong With Nudity?

Flickr Image - Timothy Actwell

It’s interesting that even in our sexually permissive society, nudist colonies are anything but obsolete. An acquaintance of mine has been frequenting them for about 20 years.

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A Dead Body By The Side Of Road

Randy lost control of his motorcycle, crashed it in a ditch and died. The tragedy occurred on a quiet stretch of highway, so it took a few hours before someone discovered the body. He was 48 years old, had very good paying job and was president of a local charity.

I only met him once, a few years ago at a restaurant. We had enjoyed a meal with some mutual acquaintances. He spoke a lot and seemed outgoing, confident, intelligent, attractive and competent. He was well known and respected. He was divorced and had custody of his two teenage daughters because his ex-wife was an alcoholic. Allegedly, he also had a drinking problem.

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Dead Body By The Side Of The Road

Remember Death - Flickr (James Walsh)

Randy lost control of his motorcycle, crashed it in a ditch and died. The tragedy occurred on a quiet stretch of highway, so it took a few hours before someone discovered the body.

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